DA OD Pro Suite. DerAstro Orbit Determination Suite |
Satellites in traditional and exotic orbits, including cis-lunar and solar Lagrange points, are becoming more commercially and militarily relevant, so algorithms developed to solve and support these types of orbits are essential for current space domain awareness.
The DA OD Pro Suite supports traditional and exotic orbits through conventional and advanced algorithms that are self-starting and range-solving to provide increased accuracy for initial orbit determination, and differential correction processing to produce state vectors and covariance matrices.
Multiple licensing options available: Pro Suite, Test and Evaluation (limitations apply), and Student (limitations apply).
Contact [email protected] for product details and pricing information. |
Launch Nominal Toolset (LNT). IRT's IODET/DC Calculator
LNT delivers a powerful and proven automated toolset that provides a predicted initial orbit state that can be used to cue sensors to collect data. This tool allows users to input a number of variables and calculate, with relative accuracy, a launch nominal. As additional launch details become available, launch nominal calculations can be updated, and the launch nominal revised to ensure improved accuracy.
The application can be run independently or integrated into machine-to-machine (M2M) workflows. Calculated launch nominals are provided in a TLE format and/or state vector. Contact [email protected] for product details and pricing information. |
Space Object Stability Service (SOSS). Plug-in Algorithm
With SOSS, a Resident Space Object (RSO) can be characterized as stable or unstable given sensor measurements that feed this algorithm. This automated plug-in process provides an algorithm that can be implemented within a customer's existing workflow to establish if an object is stable or unstable. Our service helps solve part of the Camouflage, Concealment, Deception or Maneuver (CCDM) problem that exists within space domain awareness.
Contact [email protected] for product details and pricing information. |